Remove MTview.exe Virus

Why you need to Remove MTview.exe?

MTview.exe is an executable, published by Zhu Weiqin. It’s a Chinese-based publisher, which explains why you’re continuously redirected to various Chinese websites when the executable makes its way into your system. MTView.exe is also associated with an adware program named Shop Box.A. MTview.exe seems to pop up as if by magic. Users share that, one day, they just find it on their PC with no idea how it got there. And, then the issues start rolling in. Most tend to complain about the stealthy installation, the never-ending antivirus warnings, the browser hijacking, the pop-up ad bombardment, and so on. And, there IS more. It’s safe to say that the majority of users are not pleased with MTview.exe’s services and general performance. The pesky executable implements all kinds of changes on your system without asking for your approval, and without bothering to inform you first. For example, there’s a pretty strong possibility, you’ll open your browser and find your preferred homepage and search engine replaced with some new website. Then, when you open a new tab or type up a search and browse the web, you’ll be surprised by countless pop-up advertisements and sponsored links, appearing on your screen. That’s hardly what you call a ‘pleasant’ experience. Unfortunately, it only gets worse from there. These are merely the minor inconveniences, which accompany MTview.exe. There are far worse ones. Don’t wait around to find out what they are! Take action now! Spare yourself the time and energy of dealing with the unpleasantness that follows the executable’s appearance. Delete it as soon as possible! It’s the best thing you can do.

Remove MTview.exe

How did I get infected with MTview.exe?

Although, it may seem that way, MTview.exe does not magically show up on your computer. Infections, like it, require user’s approval before they set foot in their system. They ask for permission for their installation, and if you don’t grant it, they cannot enter. So, where does that leave you? Since you’re in your current predicament, the pesky executable must have asked for your consent, and you, evidently, gave it. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be in the mess, you’re in, dealing with the issues, plaguing you. But how do you suppose that happened? How did you permit MTview.exe’s installment and not remember it? Well, such infections are masterful in the arts of deception and finesse. They don’t openly ask for your approval. They do it covertly. Usually, by hiding behind freeware or spam email attachments, corrupted links or websites. They can also pretend to be bogus updates, like Java or Adobe Flash Player. And, if you’re not careful enough, you agree to their install and hold the door open for them as they parade in. Don’t give into naivety and distraction! Don’t rush, but be more thorough when installing a tool or an update. If you’re more cautious, you increase your chances at stopping the infection before it sneaks in and makes a mess. Be prescient. Take you time and do your due diligence. Even a little extra attention can save you a ton of trouble.

Why is MTview.exe dangerous?

As was already mentioned, once you get stuck with MTview.exe, you’ll start to get surprised by reshuffles and changes on a daily basis. And, they won’t be of the pleasant variety. You’ll be redirected to unreliable, intrusive websites. The executable has a soft spot for and, which makes them the obvious choice for your new homepage or search engine. These are not trustworthy pages! They’re trouble! And, so are the ads, you’ll be flooded with incessantly. The endless stream of pop-ups will plague you alongside the redirects when you try to browse the web. The advertisements are bundled with malware, just waiting to slither into your system. And, do you know what? You’re the one, who lets it. Oh, yes. Each time you press a pop-up, by accident or choice, you consent to install the malware, lurking behind it. So, here’s a hint: don’t click on the ads! Don’t trust them. Or the pages, for that matter. And, above all, don’t trust MTview.exe! It’s not helpful. It’s not reliable. It’s undeserving of your trust. MTview.exe is a cyber infection, designed by malicious people with malicious intentions, whose primary goal is to exploit you in any way possible. The question is, are you going to let them?

MTview.exe Removal Procedure

Open your task Manager by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESC keys simultaneously

  • Locate the process of MTView.exe.


Once you stop the process you need to stop the service Huorong Network Security Daemon.

  • Delete the following files:

%Program Files%\MTV20150612\MTView.exe

  • Delete the following registry keys:

HKLM\Software\Classes\Applications\anote.exe\NoStartPage: “”
HKLM\Software\Classes\Applications\uninstall.exe\NoStartPage: “”
HKLM\Software\Classes\CLSID\{18A3E590-F219-4105-9079-93DAFA51B9D6}\InprocServer32\: “%Program Files%\Huorong\Sysdiag\bin\HRShell.dll
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\Sysdiag: %Program Files%\Huorong\Sysdiag\bin\HipsTray.exe
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\wenguanjia: %Appdata%\wenguanjia\PiLoader.exe /autorun
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\MTview: “%Program Files%\MTV20150612\MTView.exe -mini”

  • Delete the follwing directories:

%Program Files%\mdxi\
%Program Files%\anote\
%Program Files%\MTV20150612\
%Program Files%\Huorong\

You can alternatively use your msconfig windows program to double check the execution point of the virus. Please, have in mind that the names in your machine might be different as they might be generated randomly, that’s why you run the professional scanner to identify the files.

It is always a good idea to use a reputable anti-malware program after manual removal, to prevent this from happening again.

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